Hello World!

I'm determined to get my first blog post IN before January is OUT! So here I am on the last day of the month squeezing in time between Girl Scout cookie booths and cooking dinner. I know I'm not the only one who often feels there are just too many tasks for the day.

In early 2020 I decided to get on Etsy with masks. There was a great need and I had the skills, tools, and time to help. I found out I loved it! It was a great way for me to help be part of the solution and put some extra money away. Remember those Girl Scout cookie booths I mentioned? My Girl Scout (Ambassador level) is saving for a trip to Europe with the troop this next winter and anything extra we can save right now is going toward that fund.

I also dug deep into my quilting passion last year. It turns out I LOVE making and designing patterns, so I'm starting to add those into my shop as well. I'll be adding some freebies here too, along with some of my favorite tutorials. Earlier this week I added a 9" bird block to the shop. I realized a more popular size might be the 12" block so I'm testing those cuts out tonight and will add it to the pattern early in the coming week. I've also got a bird house in the works. You can see just a bit of it on the work table below.

By the way, does anyone else's sewing space look as cramped and cluttered as mine? I really need to find some good storage solutions for the space I have. If you've got some favorites go ahead and add them here.

Sewing Room

Sewing Room
